Mother with Love for Children

Wiek 56 Z Branford, Connecticut Online Ponad 2 tygodni temu

Kobieta Szukam Mężczyzna

Podstawowe Informacje Powiedz nam klika słów o sobie
  • Znam Następujące Języki Obce angielski
  • Widzę siebie jako osobę Most men I've encountered want physical stats so I'll get that out of the way. I'm 5'11 tall, 280 lbs. (due to medications that cause me to plateau at this weight), apple shaped figure (most weight in torso and thighs), salt and pepper short hair (with curls), otherwise healthy.
    Now, on to describe my character (what matters more to me in relationships): I have strong family values; I'm spiritual and have a close relationship to God (whatever that means to you is your business -- not one to criticize any one else's beliefs); I'm an individual with lots of opinions (but I don't like to debate them -- rather, prefer to discuss opinions and respect each other's points of view); hard worker with strong ethics, having had a long-standing career in Silicon Valley for the past 30 years; am very good with children and want a real family to support and nurture (doesn't matter if you have one child or thirty -- I have enough love and compassion and resourcefulness to manage any sized household, and want a man who believes in serving and protecting his children as I do).
    Finally, let's talk about current life circumstances. I have a 7 year old daughter in foster care because I have always been a single mother and lost custody when I did not have a proper support structure to back me up and had to go to the hospital. I've tried fighting for custody on my own, but without help or a husband, the law was not on my side. Never have, or would, abuse or neglect a child, but in California -- where she is now -- we suffered a lot of trials and tribulations that in the end left my child without her real mother, and that's all she wants most in this world. So, that's why I'm here. While I was a single mom with her, I never felt the need to have a husband or other love relationship because she was (and still is) my world. However, I realize now that in order to adopt her and get her out of foster care, I must create a new family and seek custody with a man and very loving family on our side.
    As to the type of man I am seeking? Well, he's got to be extremely kind, compassionate, passionate (not just as a lover but as a friend and about special interests that include family and special projects that may simply be hobbies), accepting (not just of what he cannot change, but accepting that life may hand you lemons sometimes, but that only means we have to create lemonade in difficult times), and be extremely honest and help build trust in a love relationship.)
    What do I want to do for your children? Anything. I am open to homeschooling them, or going to work to send them to private schools. I can work from home with my skills so that they never have to be latch-key children or go to daycare. I've only used a baby sitter once in my time as a mother, and it was while I was working at home and supervised my child doing art with her. I believe in giving children ANYTHING they want that is GOOD for them to have and will spend all the money I have to do it. That said, this doesn't mean they become "spoiled" children because I teach them that "if I have the means to give you whatever you want, I will. But, if I don't, then you'll need to wait until I do." And children get this and understand it. If any of your children suffer from a physical disability, mental distress, emotional problems, or just need a mother who truly cares about them, I can assure you that I can help them overcome any of their problems. I have proven that as a mother to a child with ADD in a prior marriage -- my son in that marriage had a mother who wanted to put him on medications, and I can tell you all about how I used creativity to alleviate all this child's problems with bullying, academics, learning and getting to school on time.
    Anyway, that's enough about me. This profile is sort of a prayer -- a message in a bottle sent your way, with the hopes that you will open the bottle, and discover that I may not be a "genie" but I can make children's dreams come true, and yours too!
  • Znak Baran
Wygląd & Sytuacja Jaka jest twoja aktualna sytuacja? Opisz swój wygląd
  • Mój typ budowy Heavyset
  • Mój wzrost 5' 11 (1.8 m)
  • Moje Oczy Są Piwny
  • Moje pochodzenie kaukaskie, hiszpańskie/latynoskie
  • Mój Stan Cywilny to Rozwiedziony
  • Mam Dzieci Tak - Poza Domem
  • Chcę Mieć Dzieci Tak
  • Moje Najlepsze Zalety To Uśmiech
  • Budowa Ciała Blizny, Nawet Bym o Tym Nie Rozmawiał
  • Moje Włosy Są Mieszany
  • Mam Jedną Lub Więcej Z Tych Rzeczy Pies
  • Jestem Skłonny Do Przeprowadzki Tak
Status Czym się zajmujesz?
  • Mój Poziom Edukacji To Dyplom Ukończenia Liceum
  • Mój Aktualny Stan Zatrudnienia To Własna Działalność Gospodarcza
  • Moja Specjalność To Administracja/Zarządzanie
  • Mój Tytuł Zawodowy To Special Projects Facilitator
  • Mieszkam Z Rodzicami
  • W Domu Wszystko Jest w Porządku
Osobowość Jak się zachowujesz? Jakie są twoje gusta?
  • W Liceum Byłem Uważany Za Kujon
  • Moje Zachowanie Społeczne Jest Zdystansowany, Obserwujący, Przyjacielski
  • Moje Zainteresowania I Hobby To Religia/Duchowość, Rodzina, Posiłki, Fotografia, Czytanie, Sztuka & Rękodzieło, Uczenie Się, Muzyka, Filmy, Internet, Gry, Tańczenie, Teatr, Podróże, Gotowanie, Uprawianie Ogrodu, Gra w Karty, Kamping, Wolontariat, Komputery
  • Mój Pomysł Na Dobrze Spędzony Czas To Spędzanie Czasu z Przyjaciółmi, Przebywanie w Domu, Próbowanie Nowych Rzeczy, Filmy, Relaks, Czytanie Książki, Granie w Gry Komputerowe, Pójście Na Koncert, Wyjście Do Muzeum
  • Idealna Pierwsza Randka To Anything that enables us to get to know each other really. I appreciate romance, but it's not essential to plan a great first date. In fact, there is less pressure if the approach is to discover how love and friendship go hand-in-hand.
  • Moi Znajomi Opisują Mnie Jako Osobę Przyjacielski, Ktoś Kim Chcieliby Być, Zabawny
Poglądy Poglądy na życie
  • Moja Religia To Duchowy, Ale Nie Religijny
  • Mój Cel Życiowy To I have A LOT of things on my "bucket list". Working on some of them now. Not as much "goals oriented" as "results oriented". Prefer to do, rather than talk about what I want to do. But, I can say that everything I'm doing is moving closer and closer toward adopting my child and getting her a dog to help with her separation anxiety.
  • Mój Rodzaj Humoru To Przyjacielski, Zabawny
Szukam Czego oczekujesz od swojego przyszłego partnera?
  • Co Jest Dla Ciebie Atrakcyjne? Dowcipny, Spontaniczność, Dziwactwa, Śmiałość, Wrażliwość, Empatia, Doskonałe Umiejętności, Poczucie Humoru, Troskliwość, Inteligencja
  • Czego Szukasz? Qualities that help define and shape one's character. How we do that depends on our life's circumstances. Appreciate everything that makes you unique and YOU. But, really searching for a soul mate who wants marriage and a great family lifestyle in the long run.
  • Jakiego Szukasz Związku? Przyjaciel, Oddany

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