
Are you the one I've been dreaming of??

Alter 47 Von Portland, Maine Online Über 2 Wochen her

Frau Suche eine/n Mann

Basis Information Erzähl uns ein wenig von dir.
  • Ich würde mich selbst beschreiben als Hi! My name is Sarah. I am a 34 y.o. woman with a 21 month old baby girl. My daughter is the most important thing in the entire world and would do anything to keep her out of harms way. She is an amazing, smart and FUNNY baby and she saved my life in many ways. If you don't like children or would never want to be with a woman who has children, toy should skip past my profile ;). So yea, it's just my baby and I(the father will never be any part of my daughters life, So there's no drams there:). I'm not looking for a "father for Autumn. If I am in a longterm relationship whomever would most likely be some sort of a "male rolemodel."
    If your on here looking for a "hook up", Friends w/benefits or casual dating, please don't contact me. I'm looking for someone to fall in love, share my life with. The same goes for alcoholics(active), drug addicts(also active), abusive. I am seriously looking for someone to share my life and my little family with. Now, I'm not talking a house in the suburbs with a white picket fence. I just mean I want to find someone to be in a grown up monogomous relationship. I would really like to have another child, but this time I would make sure the person I am with is on the same page as me and want the same things I do. WOW! I'm rambling...overtired :).
    I'm not a materialistic or shallow person at all and know it's just as important for someone to have a good personality as it is to be physically attracted to them. I find a sence of humor and being able to sit down and talk about things that intrest me incredibly attractive. I would like to meet someone honest, trust worthy and who would want to be with me and only me. I am a strong believer in monogomy. I have been told that I am very bold. I will stand up for what I believe in, no matter what. I am looking for someone with an open-mind and an open-heart. I am proud to be who I am and that is pretty important to me. I believe that if you don't love yourself, how will you be able to love someone else. It took me a long time and alot of broken heart's to finally believe that. As long as you prove you are an honest, caring, trust worthy person, you are good in my book. I just had a baby and I know that may turn alot of people off, but I think it's best to put that out there so people don't waste their time. So liking children is a must :). The father is not and will not be involved in my child's life. This is my first baby and am very excited and happy! My baby girl has changed my life so much already and I love her more then anything!
    I am a bit of a colorful person. In both my personality and my sence of style. I have alot of intrests and am not really into the mainstream. I LOVE music! The majority of the music I listen to is Punk(mostly old school), Oi, Ska, Gothic, Industrial,EBM, Electro and Synth Pop.
    I'm a bit artistic. Anything creative, I love. Some people have even compared my digital art to H.R. Giger. Who happens to be one of my favorite artist's and idols. I am into web design, digital art (as well as drawing), writing, photography, etc. I love old cemeteries, the ocean, walking, dancing, Halloween, reading, erotica, writing, making dread fall's(and other types of hair piece's), thunderstorm's, road-trip's, goth and punk club's, frog's, kitty's, falling in love, tattoo's, piercings, cuddling and being with the people I care about most.I'd like to meet anyone with similar interests as me, local people and people to befriend and hang out with.If you have any questions feel free to ask. I'm a pretty open book!
  • Anmelden Widder
Erscheinung & Situation Wie sieht deine aktuelle Situation aus? Beschreibe deine Erscheinung.
  • Mein Körpertyp ist Durchschnittlich
  • Meine Größe ist 5' 1 (1.55 m)
  • Meine Augen sind Blau
  • Meine Herkunft ist Kaukasisch
  • Mein Familienstand ist Geschieden
  • Ich habe Kinder Ja - Zuhause
  • Ich möchte Kinder Ja
  • Meine beste Eigenschaft ist Augen
  • Körperkunst Andere, Gepierct... Aber nur die Ohren, Strategisch platzierte Tattoos, Sichtbare Tattoos
  • Mein Haar ist Schwarz
  • Ich habe ein oder mehrere folgende Haustiere Keine Haustiere
  • Bereit umzuziehen Nein
Status Was machst du?
  • Mein Ausbildungsgrad ist Teilweise Hochschule
  • Mein derzeitiges Dienstverhältnis ist Arbeite zu Hause
  • Meine Spezialität ist Andere
  • Ich verdiene im Jahr so viel Weniger als $14,999USD
  • Ich lebe Mit Kind(ern)
  • Zuhause Freunde kommen gelegentlich vorbei
  • Ich bin Raucher Nein
  • Ich trinke Nein
Persönlichkeit Wie gibst du dich? Was ist dein Geschmack?
  • In der Hauptschule war ich Außenseiter
  • Mein soziales Verhalten ist Schüchtern, Freundlich, Comedian, Flirtwillig, Offen, Eigenartig
  • Meine Interessen und Hobbys sind Trainieren, Kunst & Handwerk, Lesen, Lernen, Musik, TV, Filme, Internet, Spiele, Tanzen, Familie, Essen gehen, Fotografie, Religion/Spiritualität, Reisen, Kochen, Camping, Karten spielen, Computer
  • Meine Vorstellung einer tollen Zeit ist Mit Freunden ausgehen, Shoppen gehen, Daheim bleiben, Versuche neue Dinge, Filme, Entspannen, Ein Buch lesen, Sich aufstylen, TV, In ein Konzert gehen
  • Ein ideales erstes Date wäre Anything laid back so we can talk and get to know eachother.
  • Meine Freunde beschreiben mich als Freundlich, Cool, Scharf, Mysteriös, Albern, Ein Flirt
Ansichten Ansichten übers Leben.
  • Meine Religion ist Spirituell aber nicht religiös
  • Ich besuche Gottesdienste Nie
  • Mein Ziel im Leben ist To be a fantastick Mom and be someone my daughter can look up to and be proud of.
  • Mein Art Humor ist Clever, Trocken / Sarkastisch, Freundlich, Mysteriös, Scharf
Geschmack Was magst du?
  • Im Fernsehen sehe ich mir Folgendes gerne an Nachrichten, Cartoons, Dokumentationen, Dramen, Filme
  • Wenn ich ins Kino gehe, sehe ich immer Comedy, Romanze, Drama, Dokumentation, Animation, Horror
  • Wenn ich mir Musik anhöre, höre ich immer Rock, Metal, Electronic, Industrial, Stimmungsvoll, Punk
  • Wenn ich lese, lese ich immer Nachrichten, Anthologie, Auto-Biografie, Biografie, Klassik, Comic, Computer, Fantasy, Fiction, Gesundheit, Horror, Humor, Anleitungen, Musik, Politisch, Religiös
  • Meine Vorstellung von Spaß ist Dancing, watching movies, walking, going to the park, playing with my daughter.
Suche nach Wonach suchst du, wenn du an deinen Seelenverwandten denkst?
  • Was findest du attraktiv? Intelligenz, Gutes Aussehen, Humor, Einfühlungsvermögen, Sensibilität, Seltsamkeiten, Esprit, Nachdenklich
  • Wonach suchst du? Someone kind, loving, affectionate and not afraid to be who they really are. I don't want to date anyone who drinks alot or is a active drug addict/ pot head. I want someone who is a positive male rolemodel.
  • Nach welcher Art Beziehung suchst du? Verpflichtendes

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