
Stay Motivated, Stay Dedicated.

Alter 36 Von Fort Mill, South Carolina Online Über 2 Wochen her

Frau Suche eine/n Mann

Basis Information Erzähl uns ein wenig von dir.
  • Ich würde mich selbst beschreiben als I'm young but incredibly mature. I would like someone that can balance the two as well, meaning be silly young adults but enjoy a glass of wine. My quirkiness knows no bounds nor my wit and sense of humor. The simplest things in life thrill me while the grandeur make it the adventure. Regardless of how terrible things are or how bad a fight is escalating it has always been in me to make light of the situation. I am also very animated. Terribly independent. I'm financially sound and responsible as well as being able to splurge when it's well deserved. Music is a huge part of my life and when I mean music I mean underground metal. It's a community all in its own and often is something to keep up with, especially with the friends I have in it. I was formerly in the military and worked in the mechanical field, men surround me and were often the only friends I was able to make. I would like a man that won't be threatened by this, has a sense of self confidence and can come to terms with me being an honest and good hearted woman. It was my job long ago but every so often I am still contacted by my fellow veterans or I make it a point to attend a reunion with some of them. I am a single mother, 100% single mother and my responsibilities lie with my child first. I believe no matter the relationship, adults need to realize that children come first. I love my child very much and will not put another adult before them, but I will certainly do my best to make time for dating and the like. I'm not looking for merely a father for the child, I am looking for someone for myself first and if the relationship between the man and my kid works out then I will press forward. If you are a single father I will respect you just the same with you and your children. Family comes first and foremost. When it comes to children in a family the children come first before the adults. They're a responsibility- not a choice. I am conservative however have my liberal sides because to be completely close minded only asks for further ignorance and the ceasing of progression. However, a person without morals or a sturdy belief system is doomed to harlot to society. Science, literature, politics, philosophy, American history, and writing are major parts of my personality as well as a major part of my life. Intelligence and conversation. If you lack luster you lack meaning. I say what I mean and I mean what I say. Sometimes my words are weighty but they aren't without reason or consequence and I will stand by my actions and take all responsibility that goes along with it. For the most part... I'd like a man to be sturdy in his own life, willing to give, share and help all the while not minding the personal space that is what a person sometimes needs. Financially responsible (whether you're pulling yourself out of a rut or already stable) but not a penny pincher, a cook but is able to enjoy the plates I offer to bring to the table and a man confident to know and act on things that are right. I could write a novel but for now this will do.
  • Anmelden Löwe
Erscheinung & Situation Wie sieht deine aktuelle Situation aus? Beschreibe deine Erscheinung.
  • Mein Körpertyp ist Kurvig
  • Meine Größe ist 5' 5 (1.65 m)
  • Meine Augen sind Grau
  • Meine Herkunft ist Kaukasisch
  • Mein Familienstand ist Single
  • Ich habe Kinder Ja - Zuhause
  • Ich möchte Kinder Ja
  • Meine beste Eigenschaft ist Lachen
  • Körperkunst Strategisch platzierte Tattoos, Sichtbare Tattoos
  • Mein Haar ist Dunkelbraun
  • Bereit umzuziehen Nein
Status Was machst du?
  • Mein Ausbildungsgrad ist Teilweise Hochschule
  • Mein derzeitiges Dienstverhältnis ist Student
  • Meine Spezialität ist Militär
  • Mein Job-Titel ist Veteran
  • Ich lebe Mit Eltern/Elternteil
  • Zuhause Alles ist ruhig
  • Ich bin Raucher Nein
  • Ich trinke Ja - Sozial
Persönlichkeit Wie gibst du dich? Was ist dein Geschmack?
  • In der Hauptschule war ich Normalo
  • Mein soziales Verhalten ist Comedian, Dunkel, Freundlich, Aufmerksam, Offen, Reserviert
  • Meine Interessen und Hobbys sind Kunst & Handwerk, Camping, Autos, Clubbing / Ausgehen, Computer, Kochen, Tanzen, Essen gehen, Trainieren, Familie, Fischen / Jagen, Internet, Spiele, Lernen, Filme, Musik, Fotografie, Karten spielen, Lesen, Religion/Spiritualität, Sport, Theater, Reisen, Ehrenamtliche Arbeit
  • Meine Vorstellung einer tollen Zeit ist Clubbing / Bars, Extremsport, Mit Freunden ausgehen, Shoppen gehen, In ein Konzert gehen, In ein Museum gehen, Sich aufstylen, Videospiele spielen, Ein Buch lesen, Entspannen, Schlafen, Daheim bleiben, Filme, Versuche neue Dinge
  • Ein ideales erstes Date wäre A "Taste of..." in town, or lunch somewhere perhaps. Something different and out of the ordinary.
  • Ich wollte immer schon versuchen I've done quite a bit in my life and can't necessarily think of anything off the top of my head that I would like to try that I haven't done so already, but there's a willing and openness to try whatever someone else suggests.
  • Meine Freunde beschreiben mich als Freundlich, Jemand, der sie sein wollen, Cool, Albern
Ansichten Ansichten übers Leben.
  • Meine Religion ist Katholisch
  • Ich besuche Gottesdienste Einmal pro Woche
  • Mein Ziel im Leben ist providing for my son and accomplishing my next task in life of graduating from college for mechanical engineering. I served eight years on active duty in the Army and am chose to pursue a less restricted life as a civilian.
  • Mein Art Humor ist Clever, Trocken / Sarkastisch, Freundlich, Albern, Mysteriös, Sadistisch, Witzig
Geschmack Was magst du?
  • Im Fernsehen sehe ich mir Folgendes gerne an Nachrichten, Dokumentationen, Filme, Ich habe keinen Fernseher
  • Wenn ich ins Kino gehe, sehe ich immer Action, Science Fiction, Comedy, Dokumentation, Familie, Animation, Horror, Thriller
  • Wenn ich mir Musik anhöre, höre ich immer Klassik, Country/Volksmusik/Schlager, Dance, Electronic, Folk, Industrial, Jazz, Metal, Punk, Rock
  • Wenn ich lese, lese ich immer Historisch, Auto-Biografie, Biografie, Klassik, Comic, Fantasy, Fiction, Gesundheit, Geschichte, Humor, Philosophie, Superhelden, Satire, Science Fiction
  • Meine Vorstellung von Spaß ist Book shopping, wine shopping, trying out different places to eat, going to different kinds of city parks to check out what a town has down to make itself standout, beaches, amusement parks, lakes, rivers, creeks, fishing, hunting, hiking, air shows, military shows, burlesque, art shows, "Taste of"'s, old car shows, tattoo conventions, gun shows, comic conventions, classic film festivals (my personal favorite), pin up galleries, rodeos, expo's of almost any sort.
Suche nach Wonach suchst du, wenn du an deinen Seelenverwandten denkst?
  • Was findest du attraktiv? Kühnheit, Einfühlungsvermögen, Tolle Fähigkeiten, Humor, Intelligenz, Seltsamkeiten, Passivität, Spontanität, Nachdenklich, Esprit
  • Wonach suchst du? A man that isn't overly emotional or sensitive. I don't mind a man that knows when or how to cry or show a sensitive side to his woman, as that is what a man does IN FRONT of his woman, but I don't want to be the man in the relationship. Responsibility and sense of respect for a family, or his family, is incredibly important.
  • Nach welcher Art Beziehung suchst du? Date, Verpflichtendes

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